Great sign design is hardly ever noticed. It’s seamless. It works exactly how it should – which isn’t any easy thing to do in the built environment where’s there’s so much visual stimulation.
Signage is wayfinding realised in a physical space. It’s a set of key assets in any brand’s armoury. A message in the right location can simultaneously uphold a brand aesthetic and serve as a functional touchpoint in any visitor experience or customer journey.
We look at sign design as a fusion of product design and graphic design. We use it to build trust and present a brand consistently using a range of materials – within a new or existing environment.

Sign Design Projects


The National Theatre

Royal Opera House


One Oxford Street

The White Chapel Building

Royal Academy of Music

Sign Design Views & News

Exploring the design implications of gender-neutral wayfinding signage

Giving signage its due respect

Wayfinding: Engineering value from the start

Behind The Spine podcast: The art of wayfinding

Endpoint featured in signage and wayfinding book sequel