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A wayfinding steer in the right direction for HMS Belfast


A wayfinding steer in the right direction for HMS Belfast


We’re pleased to announce that we’ve been appointed to create a wayfinding strategy and sign design for the historic warship and museum: HMS Belfast.

HMS Belfast is the Royal Navy’s last surviving cruiser and the largest preserved warship in Europe. As part of the Imperial War Museums, its permanently moored on London’s River Thames, where visitors can learn what life was like living at war and sea, enjoy family activities and interactive experiences.

In 2021, HMS Belfast relaunched with a richer public offer and an enhanced visitor experience. As a living exhibit with an unusual environment for visitors to navigate, Endpoint was appointed to challenge how visitors find their way around the nine-deck ship and identify opportunities to enhance the wayfinding experience.

We aim to improve the wayfinding, be sympathetic to the ship and be in keeping with its current interpretation without increasing visual noise and detracting visitors from the experience.

For more information about HMS Belfast, please click here.

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