Pioneering the brand experience
When Vittorio Radice was Chief Executive he famously said ‘Shopping is entertainment. It’s not just about the product, but about the smile, the packaging, the whole ambience’. The ‘Brand experience’ has long been central to their whole approach. Since 1909 Selfridges has been a pioneer, creating retail theatre at every turn. There is no reason why signage and wayfinding can’t be a part of that retail theatre.

Working closely with creative agency Cartlidge Levene we developed their wayfinding concepts into a fully developed signage system, managing the production and implementation programme across the store. The wayfinding family comprised a totem, hanging sign and leaflet dispenser. The system is simple, but elegant and economical to update.
Commonly called the ‘World’s Best Department Store‘, the results of the wayfinding system are perfectly in tune with the premium and dynamic shopping experience that Selfridges has made its own.

"Thank you for your superb work, meeting very tight deadlines and helping us solve numerous issues. The signage looks great and is such a huge improvement on where we were a few months ago.”

Sign Design Awards 2009 – Winner
Brit Insurance Designs of the Year Awards 2007 – Shortlisted